NAC Celebrates 40 Years

The Norfolk Arts Center is throwing itself a party on Friday, October 26 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. to celebrate hitting the big 4-0. The ‘80s-themed costume party is free to all and open to the public.  

Come dressed in your favorite ‘80s gear or as an ‘80s icon. Musician Dave Merkel will perform your favorite hits from the decade. The fabulous forty party is free and welcomes all ages. 

The Norfolk Arts Center was established in 1978. Over the last forty years, it has positively affected the lives of tens of thousands of northeast Nebraskans through theatre, music, and visual arts experiences. The staff and Board of Directors hope that everyone who has participated in NAC activities will join in commemorating this milestone year. 

The NAC is seeking photos from participants of past events. Photographs and other memorabilia may be brought to the NAC and digital images emailed to Physical items will be returned after the party.

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