NAC is a Local Staple in Community

NAC Board Member and local restaurateurs Amber Behrens and Michael Behrens are excited to help NAC grow!

I have been aware of the Arts Center since before we moved. I attended the Business After Hours our first year here and was impressed by the space and the staff. It was a great way to meet people in the community and get our name out there. We were fortunate to become friends with the staff and are impressed by how much they truly care about supporting the community and wanting to provide activities for people of all ages. The NAC is a staple in the community that not many people are aware of and we want to help spread the word and encourage more people to utilize this awesome facility and all that it offers. I am honored to be a board member as of July 2017 and on the Performing Arts Committee.

Background on Amber and Michael. Amber grew up on a farm west of Platte Center. She attended Lakeview High School of Columbus and UNO for Business: Marketing, Management, and Mass Communication. She also attended Metro CC of Omaha for Meeting and Convention Planning. Amber worked at restaurants since she was 16. She was a manager at Bed Bath and Beyond for 5 years before moving back “home.” Michael is from Norfolk, he attended NPH and then UNO for Hospitality. He worked as manager and general manager of several restaurants, including Olive Garden and Granite City, before moving back home to open his own. They both took and loved art history classes in college and am glad to have a place here in town that supports the arts in so many ways.
Black Cow Fat Pig Pub & Steak will be open 3 years this December 2017. We love to support the community in any way we can and look forward to being more involved in the future. Soup R Art is our favorite event and we are excited to help it grow!
-written by Amber Behrens, NAC Board Members, Owner of Black Cow Fat Pig

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