NAC’s Role in the Local Art World

Meghan O’Conner, WSC professor, local artists and winner of NAC’s 11th Annual Juried Exhibition, shares her story about how the Norfolk Arts Center has gotten and kept her engaged in the local art scene.

Attack, Resist, Meet in the Middle
Meghan O’Connor

“Before recently moving to the area, the Norfolk Art Center was immediately on my radar.  Upon my arrival in 2016, my colleague, Marlene Mueller, suggested that I enter the Annual Juried Art Show.  This year was the second year that I was juried into the exhibit.  I received an award and I was floored!  Since the jurors are at the receptions, it is a wonderful opportunity to have discussions about your work and hear more about their selection process.  In addition to seeing the variety of work in the juried exhibit, you can also view the juror’s work, as well as their colleagues (with each year’s juror being faculty at a regional college).  Still considering myself fairly new to the area, I value not only being a part of this exhibit, but also getting to meet other inspired artists and teachers in the region, and continue to form bonds with members and staff of the NAC for planning and participating in future events, such as the annual Soup R’ Art, summer screenprinting workshops, and a future solo exhibition in summer 2019.  I am happy to have been welcomed into this fold that includes so many others who share a love of art and the community.”
Check out Meghan’s and all the Juried Exhibition selections on display through the end of May.

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