New Series! Toddler Class!

This month at the NAC we are starting a new series of classes for toddlers! We will have one class a month geared toward our little artists with help from a parent or friend.

This is a series that is near and dear to our hearts here at the NAC. Denice, Sara, and I all have little ones but have found it challenging to find things that we can take our kiddos to that are not during working hours. There are lots of moms groups, and storytimes, but they all happen during the day – this makes it impossible for working moms and dads!

We wanted these classes to be available to EVERYONE! Working parents, stay at home parents – everyone! The hope is that it will provide a fun experience for our little artists and hopefully some community for parents! And the best part is it’s cheap! It’s only $5 per kid!

We start things off this month with FLUFF PAINTING! It’s colorful, messy, and hands-on, everything a little toddler desires!

Toddlers must be accompanied by a caregiver!

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