
Sketches From Lift – Gale D Jones.

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Gale D. Jones of Nebraska has faced the challenge of going blind due to kidney disease since 1981. Despite his health struggles, he has channeled his artistic expression into creating unique woven watercolors. Jones’ process involves painting two watercolors of the same subject with varying hues and values. He then weaves them together using a magnifier, overcoming the limitations of his deteriorating vision.

Jones’ health issues, including diabetic retinopathy and multiple surgeries, left him legally blind from 1981 to 1982. During this period, he doubted if he could paint again. However, with his wife Carol’s support and magnification tools, he persevered and completed works like “The Survivor,” portraying a bison apart from its herd. The piece was featured in a traveling exhibit for visually impaired artists. Although his vision improved after cataract surgeries, Jones continues to manage differing vision capabilities in each eye. His artwork reflects his changed perspective on life and the value of time, urging viewers to appreciate the fleeting nature of things.