Community Game Night: Idea, to event, to local business!


Volunteers turn Community Game Night into local business.

It started with a group of friends, a love of games and an idea. From there Community Game Night was born. This free event, held on the third Friday of each month at NAC, invites all ages to gather and share their common love of all things gaming. Tables are set with games of all kinds, some common favorites and some new to discover, but all open and welcoming.

For over a year now CGN has been completely volunteer run, and has become so successful that Jake Dinkel and April Thompson decided to make gaming a full time business. In October “Klubhaus Modern Gaming” was opened in Downtown Norfolk selling tons of games and providing frequent space to play.

NAC hopes to continue CGN as a free monthly event. If you are interested in helping out, please contact NAC.

Date: Friday, November 17  |   6:30-11:00 p.m.  |  NAC

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